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August 28, 2020

While browsing for the best choice of natural stone, whether it's for your kitchen countertop, flooring, fireplace, or even your backsplash, you have definitely been acquainted with granite.  

You may be asking yourself why exactly would you want to prioritize this particular stone. Of course, your tastes play a huge role in the decision; we here at New York Stone house a myriad of gorgeous granites. However, there are various other facets that should play a huge role in your decision making process, including your stone's practicallity, durability, and degree of maintenance needed.


What is granite?  

Granite is an igneous rock, that being a stone that forms direct from cooled magma or lava. You can easily recognize granite by it's light colors, usually gray, pink, or white with obvious and distinct dark veins. Without a doubt, it's the most common and well-known igneous rock that humans use, found in countless household areas, and for good reason. A majority of the Earth's mantle is composed of granite, so if it is strong enough to hold the world together, it is definitely strong enough to house a sturdy countertop.

Where can it be found? 

Being formed from magma and lava, granite spawns primarily from the crust of the Earth. When tectonic plates shift, large swathes of earth often collide and crack, exposing magma to the Earth's surface where it cools to form granite. Volcanos, which are essentially openings connecting the Earth's surface to it's interior, also eject magma and lava //.At the surface, it can be found in mountain ranges, in the cores to be more precise. However, today, they can also be exposed and visible to us mortals, but it doesn't happen overnight. Actually, such a process requires a lot of time. And thanks to these tricks of nature we have wonderful landscaped to enjoy. Yosemite Valley in California, Pike's Peak in Colorado and Mount Rushmore in South Dakota - those are the celebrities in the world of granite. 


Such prevalence is precisely the reason for a vast color palette. Granite is quarried in every corner of the world, and each location is one of a kind. This statement applies not only to granite but also to other rocks. No wonder that each slab of natural stone is out-and-outer, always exceptional, and unique.


Properties of granite 

Mostlikely, you have heard a lot about granite even without trying actually to learn something about this natural stone. One of the most well-known statements is that granite is a hard, strong, and highly durable material. These featureshelp it resist chipping and abrasion, as well as weathering. The stone accepts the polish, just like brilliant does. Plus, it can withstand heat. It soundslike a pretty good resume. 


What is it used for?

Granite has been here for thousands of years. It's one of the strongest and most durable materials in the world. With such characteristics, popularity wasn't long in coming. Over the years, people have found more and more various and sometimes creative ways to use granite. So, don't be surprised by the long list of multiple applications of this marvelous stone. 



Granite is an extremely popular choice when it comes to home decor. Again, thanks to its extensive usage. And that's what you are here for. 

Polished granite can be used for flooring: alone or alongside marble. These two stoneswork perfectly together, complementing each other's patterns. However, thank sto a granite color variety represented, you can show your imagination just with one stone by creating mosaics. If anything, it’s the best rock to do it. 

With continually evolving technologies, we can make thin, but still sturdy, granite tiles, which is an excellent option for bathrooms. Plus, the same tiles can be used as a backsplash. Granite is waterproof, after all. 

Add some more characteristics like stain and heat resistance, durability, and easy maintenance, - and we get a perfect choice for any kitchen worktop. It can be acounter top, an island, a backsplash, or even a sink. Of course, you don't have to choose. Use it all to create an incredible work station - it's also an option.

Granite might be widespread, but it is still a prestige stone. The larger the slab -the bigger the impression. One way to show off such beauty is stairs and mantels. It will serve long years and add some luxurious look to your interior.  Kill two birds with one stone, in this particular case, with granite. 



Durable, stain-resistant, waterproof - seems like granite has it all to be used not only inside, but also outside the house. That's true. Granite paving slabs are ideal for outdoor projects like paths or patios. You just have to decide on a color, the only thing which will ever bother you upon choosing your perfect slab of granite.  

Weather-resistant qualities of this stone make it a perfect match for building and cladding, in case you wondered. Of course, you can opt for the high gloss finished granite, but more often, the rough-hewn stone is the one which is used for such purposes. 



As one of the most robust materials known to people from time immemorial, granite was used as a core of strength for almost every building and construction - shouldn't be much of a surprise: the Pyramids, Roman bridges and European cathedrals - just a small example of granite application. 



Last, butnot least. To create a monument, an everlasting memory, which should remainintact for ages to come, people often use granite. Gravestones, statues,memorials, temples - most are built with granite, entirely or partly. Ofcourse, the most famous statues were mainly made out of marble, which is justeasier to carve. However, the granite was always kept for important, you cansay, government-level projects, which intend to last. Think of Mount Rushmorein the Black Hills of South Dakota - impressive, and, well, monumental.

To choose the right materials for your project is not an easy job, maybe even a little stressing. Trust us, we know. But you are already here, reading about granite. And that's already something. It's time to go further and visit the showroom. After all, you are all ready to rock'n'roll!